Whether You’re Traveling A Few Miles Or Coast To Coast, Here Are 16 Apps You Should Have on Your Phone Before You Hit The Road.

Whether You’re Traveling A Few Miles Or Coast To Coast, Here Are 16 Apps You Should Have on Your Phone Before You Hit The Road | Sequoia + Salt

Why You Should Use a GPS If You're Doing Van Life

The Van Life Trend

Ever wondered what it's like to wake up to a new horizon every day? That's exactly what the Van Life trend offers. It's a movement characterized by individuals, couples, and even families trading their fixed abodes for a life on the road in well-equipped vans.

Why Van Life?

What's the allure, you might ask? Van life offers a degree of freedom and adventure that traditional living often can't. It's a chance to connect with nature, experience different cultures, and live on your own terms.

Challenges of Van Life

However, it's not all picture-perfect sunsets and cool breezes. The nomadic life can have its fair share of challenges. Route planning, fuel management, and finding places to camp can all be problematic without the right tools.

GPS: The Modern Nomad’s Best Friend

This is where a Global Positioning System (GPS) comes in handy.

What is a GPS?

A GPS is a satellite-based navigation system that provides geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the Earth.

How Does a GPS Work?

Wondering how this magic box works? Well, it's not magic, but science. The GPS system operates by using a network of satellites that send out signals. Your GPS device receives these signals and uses the data to calculate your exact location.

5 Key Reasons to Use a GPS in Van Life

So why should you consider using a GPS if you're living the van life?

Navigation and Route Planning

Firstly, a GPS device can provide real-time navigation and assist in route planning. No more fumbling around with old, complicated maps or worrying about getting lost in unfamiliar territory.

Emergency Situations

Secondly, in case of an emergency, a GPS can be a lifesaver. Imagine if your van breaks down in a remote area - your GPS can provide exact coordinates for rescue services.

Saving Money on Fuel

Thirdly, a GPS can save you money by suggesting the most fuel-efficient routes.

Finding the Best Camping Spots

Fourthly, a GPS device can guide you to the best and legal camping spots, ensuring you always have a place to rest your head.

Keeping Track of Your Travels

Lastly, a GPS device can help you keep track of all the wonderful places you've visited, essentially creating a digital scrapbook of your adventures.

Choosing the Right GPS for Your Van Life Adventure

Factors to Consider

When choosing a GPS for your van life adventure, consider factors like screen size, battery life, ease of use, offline functionality, and additional features like traffic updates or built-in dash cams.


In conclusion, a GPS is more than just a tool for navigation. For someone living the van life, it is a partner, a guide, and a record keeper. It makes your journey safer, simpler, and more enjoyable.


Q1: Is a GPS really necessary for van life? A: Yes, it makes navigation, route planning, and finding camping spots much easier.

Q2: Can I use a smartphone instead of a GPS? A: While smartphones have GPS functionality, a dedicated GPS device is more reliable and has features tailored for on-the-road living.

Q3: What are some good GPS brands? A: Garmin, TomTom, and Magellan are well-known brands offering a range of GPS devices.

Q4: Do all GPS devices come with a dash cam? A: No, but some models offer this feature. Check the specifications before buying.

Q5: How much does a good GPS device cost? A: The price of a GPS device can range from $100 to over $500, depending on the features and brand.


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